威尼斯人网上娱乐 is proactive in one of its most important goals — ensuring the safety and security of our 学生 and campus community.
The mission of Drake 公共安全 is to provide a safe and secure environment for 学生, 教师, 教职员及校园访客. Drake 公共安全 strives to achieve this mission through a community friendly approach that enhances safety through the visibility of 公共安全 personnel, 预防巡逻, 24小时可访问性, 积极解决冲突, 以及犯罪预防和意识项目. Drake 公共安全 collaborates with local law enforcement and community organizations in fulfilling its mission.
除了他们在维护校园社区安全方面的作用, Drake 公共安全 officers also are trained to assist in medical emergencies and have access to portable defibrillators for use in emergency situations.
The changes are designed to accomplish four key goals: (1) to provide a more predictable parking experience; (2) to ensure adequate parking, 均匀分布在校园内; (3) to advance the pedestrian friendly nature of campus; and (4) to enhance the visitor parking experience.
主要的变化是在购买停车标签时, 通勤者可以选择一个指定的区域, 基于他们的停车和收费偏好. A commuter hang tag will be issued for each zone, based on a pre-designated color. 停车的人必须在指定的区域内停车.
如果你有 国家颁发的残疾许可证 你必须购买威尼斯人网上娱乐许可证才能在威尼斯人网上娱乐拥有的土地上停车. 我们建议您为您主要停车的地段购买许可证, but if you need to park in another lot and there is a handicap space available in that lot you can park in that handicap space as long as you have both a State Handicap Permit and a Drake permit dispalyed. Please note that you may not park anywhere else in a lot not designated for your permit between 6 am - 4:30 pm Monday- Friday, 只能在残疾人专用空间使用.
与过去一样,住宅停车场将被分配到住宅用地. 住宿学生被鼓励不要开车到学校. First Year residential 学生 who elect not to bring a car to campus and purchase a residential permit will be provided $40 toward use of the enterprise rental cars on campus.
The cost of parking is linked to which type of permit and for commuters, to the zone selected. Commuters will have the option to pay less, if they elect one of the low-demand lots. For those who select a permit within a high-demand lot, pricing will be more. The pricing of all zones is based on demand, as measured in a comprehensive parking study in 2018.
Is there enough parking on campus with the closure of several lots for construction?
是的. 2018年进行的一项全面停车研究, 报道称,即使拆除后的三个地块进行建设, 该网站仍比注册用户多出近500个广告位. The study also revealed that there are lots that have a higher level of demand, 是什么导致了人们对停车有限的失望和看法. The zone system will provide a more predictable parking experience and ensure adequate parking, 均匀分布在校园内.
What other things does Drake offer to promote alternative modes of transportation?
威尼斯人网上娱乐在DART系统上提供免费公交通行证. 任何拥有威尼斯人网上娱乐身份证的人都可以在登上DART巴士时出示身份证. (With the exception of special DART services, like the State Fair shuttle). Members of the campus community can also access rental cars using the WeCar system on campus. (链接). Bicycle friendly resources are also available, including the BCycle stations and Bike Library. 得梅因市也在努力改善通往校园的自行车通道, including a new bike lane feature which will be added along University Avenue between 25th 和31st 作为大学大道街景项目的一部分. Drake 学生 can also utilize the Safe Ride buses Sunday – Wednesday from the hours of 8 pm to 1:15 am and Thursday – Saturday from 8 pm – 2:45 am.
如果你使用其他方式去学校, 比如DART公交系统, 骑自行车或拼车, 但需要偶尔在校园内停车, single day passes are available and can be used in Lot 4 (Tennis Center) Yellow Zone and in lot 1A White Zone - 访问or parking
如果我在另一个区域有许可证怎么办, 但我得去另一栋楼放下点东西?
白色区域1A和20号地段将提供计量车位. If you are dropping something off in another building and have questions about the options available to you, 请致电271-2222与公共安全部门联系.
公共安全部门目前正在制定一项加强执法的计划. A lot enforcement team comprised of student workers and public safety staff is being assembled. It is critically important that enforcement efforts are maintained so that the integrity of the new zone-based system can be preserved. 社区成员应该期待加强执法力度.
门票可以在工作时间内在学生服务中心支付. Any vehicle parked outside of the 中心停车场 Zones with 3 or more tickets is subject to being booted or towed at the owner’s expense.
All parking regulations are in effect during the Drake Relays until 9 am to allow for 教师, 学生, 以及持有有效停车许可证的员工. 上午9点以后,很多地方对游客开放. For the two large University Admissions events in the Fall and Spring as well as the University Job Fair in the Spring, 1区可能会关闭. If Zone 1 is closed permit holders are allowed to park in any other Zone except for Zone 2 and 3. 有关通知将在OnCampus发布.
Zone 3 will close at 8 pm on the Friday before home football games for the Fan Experience. Valid University permits will be allowed in University lots during sporting events.
Effective August 1, 2019 parking permits at Drake will be issued by designated zone. There will be lots (zones) dedicated to commuter parking and residential parking. Commuters will have the option to purchase a permit within a particular zone. High demand lots will cost more, while low demand peripheral parking lots will cost less.
学校鼓励住校的学生不要开车到学校. When off-campus employment or other circumstances make it desirable to have a car, 然而, 学生可以购买住宅停车许可证. 住宅停车许可证只适用于住宅用地.
那些通勤到学校的人, 包括学生, 可以购买特定区域的通勤许可证吗, 根据他们的停车和价格偏好. 需求高的批次成本更高,而需求低的外围批次成本更低. 通勤停车许可证仅限于选定区域内的停车场.
通勤者一级(高需求地段)- 250美元
通勤第II层(中度需求地段)- $125
I have someone visiting; can they get a short term permit to park on campus? 是的,每日许可证 点击这里,申请每周居住许可证 点击这里.
如果我没有许可证,我可以在下雪的时候停在威尼斯人网上娱乐停车场吗? No, a permit is always needed to park in a Drake lot, except for special announced events.
如果找不到车位,我可以把车停在草地上吗? 不行,禁止在草地上停车.
威尼斯人网上娱乐会从停车场拖车吗? 威尼斯人网上娱乐保留拖拽非法停放车辆的权利, 没有许可证的车在威尼斯人网上娱乐有很多车位, 或者有多次未付停车罚单的车.
我如何对罚单提出上诉? 你可以对罚单提出上诉 在线 或者到公安机关去.
如果你有ny questions about parking on campus, please contact Drake 公共安全 at 515-271-2222.
有关一般泊车资料,请浏览我们的 停车信息页.